Ketoanalogues/ Compound α-Ketoacid Tablets
Brand Name: Ketobest
Indication: Ketoanalogues/ Compound α-Ketoacid Tablets is indicated for prevention and therapy of damages due to faulty or deficient protein metabolism in chronic renal insufficiency in connection with limited protein in food of 40g per day(for adults) and less; i.e. generally in patients with a glomerular filtration rate(GFR) below 25ml/min.
Strength: 600mg/Tablet
•Best quality Ketoacid Product in China
•Passed GMP Audits by many countries
•Get approval from CFDA
•Export to many countries
Original company: Fresenius Kabi
Original brand: Ketosteril
版权所有:南京恒生制药有限公司 备案号:苏ICP备23588956号 网站建设:中企动力 南京
总部地址:南京溧水经济开发区机场路18号 传真:025-57226938 电话:(025)57212809 57212819 E-mail:hencer@126.com
国内业务:025-84563601 025-84563606 国际业务:+86-25-84816997 +86-25-84816812