Iron Sucrose Injection
Brand Name: Ferrofer
Indication: Iron Sucrose is indicated for parenteral treatment of iron deficiency in cases whereby oral iron preparations cannot provide for sufficient supplementation.
Such as:
-Patients who cannot tolerate oral iron therapy
-Patients who cannot sufficiently absorb orally administered iron
Strength: 5ml: 100mg Fe.
•First approved ANDA from CFDA(approved number: H20046043)
•No.1 Prescribed IV iron in Chinese Market
•Passed GMP Audits by many countries
•Products confirm to USP standard
•Export to many countries
Original Company: Vifor
Original Brand: Venofer
版权所有:南京恒生制药有限公司 备案号:苏ICP备23588956号 网站建设:中企动力 南京
总部地址:南京溧水经济开发区机场路18号 传真:025-57226938 电话:(025)57212809 57212819 E-mail:hencer@126.com
国内业务:025-84563601 025-84563606 国际业务:+86-25-84816997 +86-25-84816812